"Years as Gold Philosophy" complete chapbook. Originally published with Books on Blog, 2010.

YEARS AS GOLD PHILOSOPHY Years as gold philosophy sky sailing, restricted much in sweet wallflowers known to be birds, bonfires, charmingly ...

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"Crystal Child" (New poem, 16.07.2024).

There's a snail trail in my head
highways for god
he sometimes takes the wrong turn
and then my thoughts explode

when he's on his course
my thoughts do nothing and wait
close to depression
close to desperation

vacation was good when I was younger
helped to clear out the brain
but I can't afford vacation anymore
it's just like wasting time

I regret having these connections
is it truly best to regret something you have done than something you haven't?
I'm not sure
but my connections were pain

escape from pain was more connections
vacant trails of god again, who is he in the first place
to take place in my spirit

my spirit should be crystal
thoughts reflected and calm
just like at birth or shortly after
just watching the trees from a crystal child's ride.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"Persepolis" b​/​w "Wizzard" - the new single by The Strange World of A.J. Kaufmann.

The ultimate Obscure Music single from the Polish Underground, "Persepolis" and "Wizzard" are brand new manifestations of the Strange World of A.J. Kaufmann interplanetary sound.

Both tracks were fully improvised in the studio. The voice here is just another instrument. The drum machine is very primitive, to recover that lost tape underground feeling.

Inspired by atonal music, accidental music, noise rock, and psych from the 60s, both tracks will probably be on the new A.J. Kaufmann album.

But for now, they're only a single.

Buy it to support me and help me record more music.

Thank you.

released July 10, 2024

"Persepolis" (A-Side) recorded Live @ the Via Kosmische home studio, July 10 2024.
"Wizzard" (B-Side) recorded Live @ the Via Kosmische home studio, July 8 2024.

Adam Majdecki-Janicki - voice, acoustic guitar, organ, drum machine, preparations, recording.

Words and Music by Adam Majdecki-Janicki, 2024.
Cover artwork by Adam Majdecki-Janicki, 2024.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Plans for the second half of 2024 and first half of 2025.

Hello there from the Via Kosmische home studio,

I have finally finished some main parts of the brand new album. It turns out there will be three brand new albums - that's right, no more archive material, no more reworkings, just fresh new rough unfiltered music and poetry and improv and art! And it's all tripled!

One of the albums will be titled "Byt/Sein/Being". For this one I plan to include the more experimental tracks, some ambient work, some Kosmische instrumentals, krautfolk, and obscure psychouts/noise from the heart of Poland.

Another album, will be titled "Hippies Must Die". Justin Jackley will design the cover for this one. More on it in the next post when I have more details. I have started a separate Hippies Must Die bandcamp page where most probably this album will be released.

Finally, the new untitled (as of yet) third album will be probably out on Ramble Records later this year. Mike Sill of Ramble stated that he's interested in a digital release, so get ready for it!

In between those 3 new projects there will be lots of releases on The Swamp Records! I plan to finish the "Pink Elephant Music" saga this year with the release of 4 final volumes of this multi-album experience. I will also finally release all the albums I promised, like "Folly", or "Selections from the Astral Nomad" (an unfinished demo album from 2018). I hope you look forward to my releases on The Swamp and decide to join The Swamp Krewe at Subscribe to The Swamp Records | The Swamp Records (bandcamp.com)

2024 turned out to be one gigantic jam session again, just like 2019 (5 years ago!). For a bit chaotic eruptions (meaning not assigned to any album, and not with the final artwork) and recent selections of sound, see my soundcloud profiles at Stream Adam Majdecki-Janicki music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud
Stream The Strange World of A.J. Kaufmann music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud

I have also started working at Kołorking Muzyczny, where Bezkwit, my new band, has its jams and rehearsals. Stay tuned for new Bezkwit music as well! Music | Bezkwit (bandcamp.com)

So, check out the Soundcloud profiles for "leaks", the Bandcamp (The Strange World of A.J. Kaufmann) for new singles, and keep supporting the real Polish Psychedelic Underground.


Saturday, July 6, 2024

"1981 Again" (New poem, 6.07.2024).

New heads and old ideas
chicken's heatwave
I feel like a heart attack

ants parade through my brain
ejaculating the city
hot concrete on spikes

hamburger eating lady
can't save her children
from hunger

hunger fuels old ideas
and making money is the only

after you make enough, you die
and build yourself
a peaceful lagoon

but who will live there?
Peaceful hungry children in debt
or the children of their children?

who will visit the poppy blower
in another life?
there is no another

so new heads bob away
to a Grandmaster Flash song
and suddenly it's 1981 again.

Friday, June 21, 2024

"Reżim / Regime" New Poem, 21.06.2024.

Gorąca pogoda delikatna
burza gwiazdowa z falą upałów
scenariusz marzeń o dronie
zerwany w starożytnym Rzymie

spacerujemy małymi uliczkami
słuchając Mozarta na naszych walkmanach
nie ma nic dziwnego
w tonącym człowieku ze stali

przychodzi do nas w każdy piątek
mówić o czystej prawdzie i religii
raczej krótko obciętej prawdzie
lub czymś bliższemu reżimowi

reżim wolnych dusz - najbardziej przerażający reżim
o którym można pomyśleć
rdzewieje jego stal nierdzewną
czyniąc go czerwonym człowiekiem lat 60-tych

kiedy paranoja zimnej wojny
rozciągnęła cienie grzybów na dzieci-kwiaty
zmuszając niektóre z nich do śmierci w wieku 27 lat
pozwalając innym dożyć dojrzałego wieku 80 lat
być świadkiem kłamliwej


Hot weather delicate
heatwave star storm
drone dream scenario
plucked in ancient Rome

we walk tiny streets
listening to Mozart on our walkmans
there is nothing strange about
the drowning man of steel

he comes to visit every Friday
talking clean truth and religion
clean cut truth rather
or something closer to regime

regime of free souls - the most terryfying regime
he can think of
rusts his stainless steel
makes him a red man of the 60s

when cold war paranoia
stretched mushroom shadows over flower children
forcing some of them to die at 27
letting others live past the ripe age of 80
to witness false

Monday, June 17, 2024

"Kawa Szatan / Satan Coffee" (New Poem, 17.06.2024).

Kawa Szatan o zmierzchu sprawiła, że nie mogłem zasnąć
ale nie tylko ta kawa
także ptaki, nietoperze, i liście
spisane tuszem po japońsku
językiem, który rozumiał tylko Pan Wrochem
jakimś cudem znów trafiłem do Berlina, choć przekreśliłem to miasto
jak tylko zamknięto Tacheles
mówię sam do siebie, jesteś weteranem
może powinieneś zacząć zarabiać na wykładach
ale kto chciałby ich słuchać
spienione niebo
może jeszcze czerwone światło dla hipsterskich turystów
może też moja koleżanka, która 20 lat temu zdefiniowała sztukę
"sztuka jest ładna"
tak, kochanie, bardzo ładna
szczególnie kiedy trzeba zapłacić rachunki
niebo przecieka
i skończył się gaz


Satan Coffee at dusk kept me awake
but not only this coffee
also birds, bats, and leaves
written in ink in Japanese
a language that only Mr. Wrochem understood
somehow I ended up in Berlin again, even though I had crossed this city out
as soon as Tacheles closed
I say to myself, you are a veteran
maybe you should start making money from lecturing
but who would want to listen to you?
foamy sky
maybe another red light for hipster tourists
maybe also my friend who defined art 20 years ago
"art is nice"
yes, honey, very nice
especially when there are bills to pay
the sky is leaking
and the gas ran out

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

"People and Constellations" (New poem, 28.05.2024).

Inside the peace in the raspberry room
I collect teeth and strings
favorite mug
forgotten portrait
old record about Polish bells

Polish trees are growing
their branches dig into the marble
quiet places of the crazy
a landscape once young, forever remembered
lost on cassette

Don't cry over the fate of the grass
she only collects dew
subterranean laws of the empty Earth
someone will definitely learn something new today
about people and constellations


Wewnątrz spokoju w malinowym pokoju
zbieram zęby i struny
ulubiony kubek
portret zapomniany
stara płyta o polskich dzwonach

Polskie drzewa rosną
ich konary wpijają się w marmur
ciche miejsca szalonych
pejzaż raz młodych, na zawsze zapamiętanych
przegranych na kasetę

Nie płacz nad losem trawy
ona tylko zbiera rosę
podziemnych praw pustej Ziemi
ktoś na pewno nauczy się dzisiaj czegoś nowego
o ludziach i konstelacjach

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

"Monkeys" / "Małpy" (New Poem, 21.05.2024).

The shark eats ice cream on the lawn
Conrad laughs from across the ocean of sound
He hasn't been here for a long time
But I still remember the feeling
Expression of the day
Dry crop meeting
Marijuana in the bath

I once read about a monkey
But the monkey grew up and found a job
And he's probably looking for a woman
But he knows he won't find her
In the land of smartphone Tarzans
Where everyone puts shitty stickers on
A discounted Ferrari

The monkey will probably burp
Buy another beer
And play another riff on the bass
He used to have friends, but some of them are already visiting the Necropolis
And others have wives who have rendered them speechless

Other monkeys remember bad things
So they don't want a bad monkey

Beyond the ego is the land of ice
Where Princess Pepsi sings
And she doesn't care about the collapse of the planet


Rekin je lody na trawniku
Conrad śmieje się zza oceanu dźwięku
Dawno już go tu nie było
Ale wciąż pamiętam wrażenie
Wyrażenie dnia
Spotkanie suchych plonów
Marihuana w kąpieli

Czytałem kiedyś o małpie
Ale małpa dorosła, znalazła pracę
I prawdopodobnie szuka kobiety
Wie jednak, że jej nie znajdzie
W krainie smartphonowych Tarzanów
Gdzie każdy przykleja gówniane naklejki
Na Ferrari z przeceny

Małpa pewnie beknie
Kupi kolejne piwo
I zagra kolejny riff na basie
Miała kiedyś przyjaciół, ale niektórzy już zwiedzają Nekropolis
A inni mają żony, które odebrały im mowę

Inne małpy pamiętają co złe
Więc nie chcą złej małpy

Poza ego jest kraina lodu
Gdzie śpiewa księżniczka Pepsi
I za nic ma upadek planety

Friday, May 10, 2024

"Zambezi Dawn" - New Poem, 10.05.2024.

not my time to live yet
but when was my time to die?
were I thrown in here in irregular
floating the concrete jungle
on high
belting out love and disaster
growing richer in thought
but definitely poorer in spirit
a ricochet
of fate
fat on strings and cumbia
African in summer
floating the train to nowhere
where tracks
end in dust
over the black soil soundscape
drowning, circling, meandering
like the Zambezi
at dawn

Saturday, April 27, 2024

"A Terrible Poem" | New Poem, 27.04.2024.

two fractions of infinity
added to scrambled eggs
and a glass of white coffee in the morning

that's all the white foreigner needs to be happy

maybe even a loft on the roofs of Neukolln
but that's for later
when the dawn catches the eye
of dead turquoise women reflection

maybe one of these women
will bring more than coffee and eggs to the table
maybe a little krautrock
although I already puked out this topic in London

Chris Karrer has died
and I feel terrible