10 Favorite Songs as selected by A.J. Kaufmann sometime in 2015, after the release of "Stoned Gypsy Wanderer".

Bulat Okudzhava - Pesenka Ob Arbate I could swear I still got flashes from a period I was too young to remember, when I was about 2-3y/o and...

Saturday, April 27, 2024

"A Terrible Poem" | New Poem, 27.04.2024.

two fractions of infinity
added to scrambled eggs
and a glass of white coffee in the morning

that's all the white foreigner needs to be happy

maybe even a loft on the roofs of Neukolln
but that's for later
when the dawn catches the eye
of dead turquoise women reflection

maybe one of these women
will bring more than coffee and eggs to the table
maybe a little krautrock
although I already puked out this topic in London

Chris Karrer has died
and I feel terrible

"Bottom of Meaning" | New Poem, 27.04.2024.

the yogurt sky covers my hand
before and on it
grasshoppers digest grass

it's quiet on this side of rebellion
when a woman fed up with withering
raises her hand

her streams of calm hair
carry trout beyond the horizon
and no one counts canaries
for the day was dead and would remain so

pet exchange in the store
river of night
searching for the bottom of meaning

Friday, April 26, 2024

"Cloaks for a Raven" | New Poem, 26.04.2024.

a raven eats a dead skull
fragrant wings
they break light with light

there are no reliable principles
where the head of the sky breaks the landscape

I ask: who is in charge here?
who is the ruler of my blood pressure
atmospheres of darkness strike the gong

no one will wake up one by one
when I count out the people of oppression
a quiet hope of love

let's praise the veterans
their faded, wrinkled souls
like cloaks for a raven


kruk je martwą czaszkę
skrzydła wonne
łamią światło światłem

nie ma spolegliwych zasad
gdzie szef nieba łamie pejzaż

pytam: kto tu rządzi?
kto jest władcą mojego ciśnienia
atmosfery mroku uderzają gong

nikt się kolejno nie dobudzi
kiedy odliczę ludzi pognębienia
cichą nadzieją miłości

wychwalajmy weteranów
ich wypłowiałe, pomarszczone dusze
jak płaszcze dla kruka

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"Poop of a Newborn" (New Poem, 23.04.2024).

A potato with glue on crab's claws
eternit staircase
two senses still working refuse to admit
there is something unpredictable about the obvious.

Morning sighs, collects the actors' glasses.
Someone is going to take out the trash again today.

The openings of the senses will be filled,
and someone will cry
over the poop of a newborn.

Friday, April 19, 2024

"Ineffable" (New Poem, Polish/English 19.04.2024).

Wybierz, co powiesisz na ścianie
zdefiniuj sekrety boga
obejrzyj porno z aniołami

Zweryfikuj wczorajszą butelkę
odłóż traf na później
bądź szczęśliwym idiotą

Wsiądź do tramwaju
pojedź do pracy
zrealizuj sny wczorajszego ojca

Zatańcz z długonogą tancerką
w kabaretkach, przemów do dnia
odejścia perspektywy

Kiedy wstaniesz, zapomnisz o dzisiaj
lecz dziś będzie konceptem
prostym acz niewysławianym


Choose what to hang on the wall
define god's secrets
watch porn with angels

Verify yesterday's bottle
postpone your luck until later
be a happy idiot

Take the tram
go to work
make the dreams of yesterday's father come true

Dance with the long-legged dancer
in fishnet stockings, speak to the day
perspective departures

When you get up, you will forget about today
but today it will be a concept
simple yet ineffable

"Sea Air" - New Poem (Polish/English, 19.04.2024).

Morskie powietrze
głaszcze podniebienie włosów
nieboskłon Kali
tańczymy z głowami demonów

Morskie powietrze
uderza nozdrza nutką statków
wonnych Indii
podróżujemy bluesową karawaną

Morskie powietrze
jest jak cios zen między oczy
jod wpływa na dyskomfort duszy
gdy jest za głośno

Morskie powietrze
jest zapisem nutowym poranka
mistycznego rytmu
i tysiąca innych pulsów

Morskie powietrze
to mój dom.


Sea air
strokes the roof of the hair
the sky of Kali
we dance with the heads of demons

Sea air
hits the nostrils with the note of ships
fragrant India
we travel in a blues caravan

Sea air
it's like a zen punch between the eyes
iodine affects the soul's discomfort
when it's too loud

Sea air
is the sheet music of the morning
mystical rhythm
and a thousand other pulses

Sea air
it is my house.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

BRAND NEW SINGLE OUT TODAY! - "Ramzes Metamorfozis".

Music Review

"Stoned Gypsy Wanderer (2014) – 14 songs on Vinyl LP. This LP captures time. Bard’s Woman in the Cool of the Summer Breeze (2023) – 10 songs on Vinyl LP. It’s fun to see the maturity and development of AJ’s music over nine years. A music review of 14 songs in the year 2014 and 10 songs from 2023. Kaufmann is a folk troubadour, minstrel and a harbinger of new sounds and thought. There is a theme that runs through this body of work, a method to his madness. All of these songs are a journey. So take the trip and give a listen. Nobody knows it but AJ Kaufmann is a national treasure of Poland."

by David Bixby, Harbinger Magazine

10 years after "Stoned Gypsy Wanderer" I have started working on a new album, set for release on The Swamp Records in December 2024.

This is the first single from the new release.

More sounds considered for the new album over at my YouTube channel:

"Ramzes Metamorfozis"
Words and Music by Adam Majdecki-Janicki, April 2024.
Artwork by TheoEust, 2024.

released April 11, 2024

A.J. Kaufmann - voice, acoustic guitar, FX, recording.