10 Favorite Songs as selected by A.J. Kaufmann sometime in 2015, after the release of "Stoned Gypsy Wanderer".

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Sunday, November 20, 2022

IDYLLA - New album coming December 9 2022.

I have just finished working on a new, this time almost fully electronic, album. The songs are all brand new, and in most cases, except for some lyrics, fully improvised. Heavy electric guitars will appear in 2 tracks, and not so heavy guitars in traces of other tracks, but not as the main course.

"Idylla" will be an idyllic album - facing the crisis, the Ukraine war, the pandemic, I tuned into synth nostalgic escapism. It was the only way to stay sane in a continuously insane world.

2 tracks will be instrumental improv blasts of solo synthesizer, each to finish off Side A and Side B of the album.

Most of the songs utilize my favorite arranger, but also VST synths, Mopho x4, and MIDI. "Green Nails, Big Glasses" is electronic vaudeville, a direction I love taking sometimes. Despite a variety of inspirations, the album sounds concise as a whole.

"Life Overdrive" is dedicated to Rother/Dinger, the guys that brought us Neu! back in 1972. Hard to believe such groundbreaking experiments are now 50 y/o classic sound.

The title track best represents the sound direction.

On the album, in the track "Axe", I collaborate with the Hamburg based artist Nylj Diamøndfleur. She adds her beautiful vocals to the space age feel of the song.

"Idylla" as an album will not only be escapism, but also experiment, and experience, and enterprise. It's a sound art album in its essence, although incorporating elements of folk, pop, krautrock, psychedelia, and noise rock.

December 9 is when you will hear the whole thing thanks to The Swamp Records USA. Keep an eye on http://ajkaufmann.bandcamp.com and I hope you enjoy your trip.

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