SMALL TALK AT BUKOWSKA AND LIBELTA: A poet in Poznan. - Poetry Chapbook, 2012.

“Krabo” They say moon is the same for everyone Streets are hostile or friendly Nothing depends on your luck You exist cause you’re taught to...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

There's a lie...

there's a lie at the base of this world
the one that goes:
there'll always be a dawn
the one that goes:
I love you
the one that goes:
we're all mad baptized surgeons
the one that goes:
I love your skirt
the stars are all always so cold
in the autumn...
the one that goes:
it got warmer by now...
the one that goes:
thanks, I'll walk alone
and I'll get you another drink, my lover
I'll get you another lover,
my friend...
the one that goes:
we're sacred hummingbird's hearts
yet somehow so dimly entangled
and lust is the key to all palace's
the one that goes:
you taste like my birthday
the one that goes:
fry me some eggs
there's always some bourbon
at Jimmy's old place
the one that goes:
I'll see you tomorrow
the one that goes:
I bought you some tea
and the ocean's my favorite
the one that goes:
we'll die tonite
the one that goes:
we're immortal...
the one that goes:
there's a map for your skin
the one that goes:
I'm your man
the one that goes:
I wrote you a lovesong
and I'll sing it tonite at the bar
there's a lie at the base of this world
the one that goes:
there's a lie at the base of this world

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