SMALL TALK AT BUKOWSKA AND LIBELTA: A poet in Poznan. - Poetry Chapbook, 2012.

“Krabo” They say moon is the same for everyone Streets are hostile or friendly Nothing depends on your luck You exist cause you’re taught to...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Especially if she's a writer

yours truly shaky fingers grope again for a no-filter
reach out for the sky
the beloved concealment
but surrender before they can drown
surrender before they can cum

or they claw at the cool actress' face
the dirty lips
they'll never again
though it's only three years
of boredom
& it's only a gallery of
& she studies her Spanish right now
& I hope she studies it well
& I hope she got herself
a decent cock at last
& I hope he's a goddamn torrero
& I hope he kills her
each night

while my soul's been soaked in beer
soaked in barroom paint
in shit & piss & laughter
for ten amazingly long Christmas Eves
& tons of dirtbag snow alleys
& tons of dead absent
not necessary at the wire
& I ain't no goddamn Christmas tree
though I'm all lit up
as usual

my soul's like this Camel's been reveled
in the treasures of the unkind
& the wisdom
of cheapest wines ever
bread & butter
or the nuns who've been offering me
when all I've needed was
a solitaire

yet I'm still alive at the bar again
the one at Maine St.
the nice enthralling darkened womb
sheltered under the lightbulb
makin' me think of umbilical
& gallons of bourbon
who've given me sweet

and I know I swore to the Maker
and back
I'll never drink again
I know I become a bastard
but this here chick looks contagious
to pour her another dollar
& have my whisky
especially if she's a writer
especially if she fucks

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