10 Years of "Stoned Gypsy Wanderer"

A re-release of my classic 2014 album is coming to THE SWAMP RECORDS soon (digital only). Why another re-release? The album was re-released ...

Saturday, July 6, 2024

"1981 Again" (New poem, 6.07.2024).

New heads and old ideas
chicken's heatwave
I feel like a heart attack

ants parade through my brain
ejaculating the city
hot concrete on spikes

hamburger eating lady
can't save her children
from hunger

hunger fuels old ideas
and making money is the only

after you make enough, you die
and build yourself
a peaceful lagoon

but who will live there?
Peaceful hungry children in debt
or the children of their children?

who will visit the poppy blower
in another life?
there is no another

so new heads bob away
to a Grandmaster Flash song
and suddenly it's 1981 again.

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