10 Favorite Songs as selected by A.J. Kaufmann sometime in 2015, after the release of "Stoned Gypsy Wanderer".

Bulat Okudzhava - Pesenka Ob Arbate I could swear I still got flashes from a period I was too young to remember, when I was about 2-3y/o and...

Saturday, January 23, 2016

"Naked Bar-Do" - Complete Poetry Chapbook.

1985 – The Sky Has Learned the Jive

bass mechanic overload
cloud crossbones shaped pirate
news radio kosmic knob
evening in Brixton
transmitting sound systems
through open British air
intercepted behind the eye lashes
of space
I dawn mayo beats punk
on freshly stained graffiti walls
washed off from yesterday's party
with puke streets echoing
distant jam sessions
backing bands and star brooms
I buy another record at Sister Ray
tramp on the folk life
easy used item
and, amazed, turn back to days
of receival
Calvert Avenue
revival of countryside fair speech
Che Guevara cheddar.
Taste the revolution!


how British of
small nonsense
her sweets his///bird’n’opiate what’s up – I’ve heard the
sleeper drained the -peach, or what it was she
carried instead of purse speech of /rob the fashion
robbers stoop & red graffitis – yep, there
might be bop brick note to free jazz clouds repeating eating ting
things – bead/rain
clouds on brick spikes///bread
what was the image who was linguistics
was – have you decided for dogs swift the solid drift pass Baker
Street – babe, I’m not a tourist – my paths were there marked
1968 before through
cut screens I
confuse it!


drunk eggnogs laced w/ acid
served in the hall downstairs
tickle the ego bombers
who’ve never seen the oceans
they only battled seas
& seas have won again

show us the strip-club drunk Annie
dock-borne vagabond mourners
to golden solitary antennas
on space communion soot-shielded rooftops
dog-headed angels of karma
dawn coyotes of the chimneys
silver-faced winos of the railways
twilight freight train tripsters
ragged echo-driven death-tramps

show us the membrane of earth
beaten roads of dust devils
show us the gutter
hook us up w/ the dukes of it

Dedicated To You, But You Weren't Reading

Is the war / began or is it just
Jupiter / swept us over the head
the alleged bass god, or people finally heard the original, passing
on the street
plankton concrete
last summer weeds juices digest
clinics and office buildings - those who provide assistance, they need it most
they listen to the wrong wave
they climb the wrong mountain
once belonging to featherheaded pearls
sink into selfthought prescriptions
fortunately for panic paleskin
chained to machines - tom-toms

I play as all
at the same time - I do not recognize borders / material
and the last time I was here, in June
I remember some flowers
the cities there was nothing
but build new, not
the sun, as in the past - and the stars
hang over another head, but fish scales
hand remember continents
once broken up, now occupied
and wherever there is a war
squandered / the flick
fingers lives, we land here and now
developer wars look - you
eyes yesterday's savior - maybe
you have - those eyes - I will keep the soul
on antisocial patrol, and so
I scalp the tissue of your Nietzschean superman


Dream Dealer

woke up toke wake up Brixton heat jewel
rain reel surf of London – cheap
plane dig pavement bloodshot soul – piss
desert; but then again I patted
masters of storm – the beasts of
sun death hymn & a billion dreams were
canceled w/ the flight – a
jungle; but then again I couldn’t find
a soft bench – run crowd drown I don’t care
cut scream dawn I offer -oh oh oh we’re on it!
song void hips a’berry – doomwise repeating
yawn hymn: wake up woke up Brixton
dream dealer was here

Slums of Berlin

I flipped the slums of Berlin
for a small countryside church
Metropolis for
Georg John's birthplace
for Lana del Rey
& other names & slogans for love
that's not sawdust

oh, and Eno

I laughed in that church - cause the
priest didn't know
my tune, and now I have to learn

best trips
accidents - ask the famous
London's next
first flight sandpit paper

philosophy? redundant
in the great dawn
of sane

with joy
I flipped U-bahns
for a convertible
hot stripped streets for country roads
pale neons for
speed for adrenaline drive
taxi drivers
for a chauffeur star
driving me round
like a king

I don't regret
the slums of

they showed me where I belong
in the courtesy
disasters - fake friendship
of tongues
speaking only of

my star showed me music
as I expected it to
& fuck guitars
in the right place, safe
on a woman's lap
breathing the petrol

writing songs for later

to show the children
some tricks, & prove that rock stars were dead
long before
Elvis was born

to save new generations
from monstrosities
of art
& the parody of

The Wall, yes, and everything

did you leave? “I'm burned out” - said the young man
arched in the Wall's keyhole
glimpses of his blues orgasm
grasshoppered yesterday
at the barber's
unless you know who churned his hair,
I'm sure he was riding the same U-Bahn
in the opposite direction
asking awkward questions
to nonexistent conductors

I “was” yesterday - grunted, stare-i-lizing in empty
eyes of the chick in a branded suit
listening to the producer
carefully choosing lyrics

revolutionary repertoire!

his time was running out - “was”
I felt sorry for the young - my time has not begun
I hooked myself shaving w/ a trickle of blood
still hung on the chin

musicians threw brands, I would like to be him
20y/o again
I was not much older, but the young man sighed again
- I'm a loser, wanted to be
praire poet - boy,
I thought sparks of life fled here
The Wall
& everything

in nature –
it's not a matter of years, but
look at me, young communist carcass
which still smells
of guerilla perfume dawn
and never has enough
of deliberate, final
kicks from its older, obliging colleagues

onwards, westwards!

While Listening to African Fusion

there’s root
& skin
a beat to follow
phase to exit
dusty yes & go
heat to turn
electric kilometers
a million times ago
con artists’
why stop
ecstatic music?
there’s country
all over the concert
its free flags waving
dust red
bass lines
there’s soul
to plant
in your brother’s
bohemian roof
shoot at the
think of names
& wires
oh what do they mean
to free
what are isms
on drum


lunches been-ins suggestions kisses
guests numbers sweet information
modern intelligent olive bowl shadow
unresponsive sky hissing tongues

shy luggage high noses nicknames
afternoon frankness strings dinner mixture
knowledge rites continued dreams
indian night radiant chimneys
new garage knees sun cold coffee
tame child kissing dawn red lips
frantic foreign script bathroom tiles
horn horn horn
three times


saturday boardwalk
pawn neon night
quirky buzzing place bells
in penetrating wilderness
I hear the beat
of every shadow
that slowly sticks
gums in
my neck

marlboro whiskey
women jinx darkness
sterile eyes sleep erratic step
in penetrating wilderness
I hear as I go
supporting umbrella
in rain sprinkles

I hear breath of gates
sluggish pulse
corpse impulse
of the
damned souls
waiting for signal
to guess that this is the
this is the

after all
I should rise from my
broken knees
hands drawn up
but if
will you
give me your

4 A.M. 5th Cup of Coffee

slam the wing boy
break another seal

bongo jazz
rockets on
roof-tops of colony – just an image
walking by
the room and moldy labels

rotten veins
staring at the porn spread
thinking of descending markets
not wanting poems

slices of death
and teenage waistcoats
selling what poetry

smart ass wanna-be
eat rich bread with honey
leaving me matchsticks
and Colorado
American in name
communist in taste

to them I’m an Indian
meal on their pan
thirsty for blood
to review
for their own

play that jazz, pharaoh
I’m skill scene,

From the Glass Hill Down

that summer, she said, each man received his award
that day
saints restored to nirvana
that hour
our bum bags were empty
though dust poured out of them
& that was fair payment:
the promised


we scattered it
cross the death board, & the chariot speed
convinced me dust is heavier than iron
or chains of love – both
never let me down

w/ each kiss
she assumed
stars are of gold,
though to me they're steel ship filings
dropped from ports
of oceanic cavernousity

hung on
somewhere 'twin law & intrigue
your blue eyes don't catch –
there's power
& a green screen
high definition

they're all I see in your soul
spreading the plague of fame
washing sidewalks w/ subconscious mops
art dressed as
breakfasts served
in a glasshouse

Stoned, with Oceans Separating

interest unwrinkled
cap came
wanted her – burned late (I answer only
for my friend
and nostrils)
you left and the well-cut
impassive, distant-coffee, quietly
big tree drop, accustomed to my almost singing;
hear the stop
you for he, about to play over happy
be her seen
cannot predict
my future
turning beautiful
was perfect; but the unspeakable
is least predictable
to interest you
came to this or his
who cares
we’re stoned
with oceans


old fat angels
flaming word statues
fish cut audience
rich and rolling
cave faced birds…

…need to tell you
one thing:

if street music
had the weight of playing on seeing
an opera ticket
theater would dawn upon
the ghetto - church-like cough or laughter
would settle pain
as I’m pulse
leading to
dessert discovery

no need to say whose noise’s been
the loudest
the old man in the back row
holding to his shoe
leaves without answer
re-enters ghetto
laughs with death gods, at
the bulk of us, preferably sane,
in the routine
of crazy futures

The Enemy

I’ve been to those workshops
free gigs
dueled verse w/ best
had those pills
took the last
wrote two million
centered round
death, one good poem
per six years of journey
beer pals
doctors & mystics
had them quartered
cotton blues
that bodhi earthquake feeling
gave blessings to strangers
miles far from edge room
rode elevators of improv
on blind necks of dusty
pulled into late
w a/ crazy curled
jumping from bridges

on every writer
a price tag
on every corner
a lesson:
the market is a weapon -

- the enemy in my bed
growing stronger
in numbers.


instant continents drive on
looped food
studied papers are everywhere: acceptance,
the discussed mind; age
and thought as scraps
walls cloud motor
idealized, poeticized –
climbing aboard
hair buses, expecting cage wishes
to end
where highways develop
clustered tasks and metal Ra – out
there collapsing
extra traffic
being weights nothingness
mere bagfuls of happy
where far eyes have desertion
on the rocks
in a beautiful uphill house
in vacant gardens
watering a took seen afternoon
pathetic money
on rotten eggs
laughed born belonging

All That Electrical Stuff I Can’t Be Bothered With

pale tobacco speak/
pattern, had ghostly out follow
and clarity left – not warranty

upon laugh copies descent
many small terrific scampering
like magazine boy
friend – who punishes those at standstill
no whole of their hands – the

stone flat under
your bloodless shirt
science – police access waters

all you kill
beg for
is work drug action
cloud segments drown the shimmering idol
of death

won't eyes, the gate, rip robot thought
instant at open, be careful with that machine
cooked body
make no motion
he who whites your exertions
now eats Alan’s breakfast

Cliffs of Victoria

cliff-like slow man – Dante creature
across the western terror
crawls, endless supply
of loneliness
in unclean tubes
of words
forming snow bird

oblivion was the tangent
“we are the end” – imbecile
voice, boiling

lifeless hemispheres
some were eyes of the city

patience was the call girl
“she is the way” – buried
height Victoria

Unbreakable Spirit

He who lives in Getz’s solo
broken colored glass
half-broken windowpanes
tangled sorely in a ball of
surgical threads

he who sleeps w/ Verlaine
breathing underwater
nourished by the sun’s afterglow

he who speaks w/ mice
singing pavement cantatas
w/ a tail

he who walks
the city tops
trawling under its puddles
of resignation
as in the daily breeze

he who confronts the shadow
in smoky cabaret
in the red light
of cancan

he who never sleeps
& never changes rags
looking everywhere
where refusal can lurk
call & response

he who copulates w/ angels
to trade them later
w/ demons
for a handful of

he who never dies
& never really lived
he who calculates maneuvers
of self-destruction

he who knows
& feeds supreme
pigeons of rhythm
burping loudly

he who lost everything
he to whom Buddha
looks up to

Ride the Flower U-Bahn

Berlin, four seconds to midnight
happy routes took beastly
course, straight to
modern heaven, dismissing the post-
wise pill droppers apply
to their suits, honey months
passing with the show girls
young ears cheeks in circle
modern heaven

is there “plan two”, in case
the big smoking arm of law
ray guns wiser fingers
beginning station again, beginning
boy and line – hurrying not to miss
the flower u-bahn
kiss the flower u-bahn

by common blood
we’re dead civilization
impelled by facile knowledge
grey down silhouettes
smoking from the all-knowing
stand skull
drilled into locks
on menagerie cells –
young skulls learning

invincible tombs
watch busy bare years
an agony

No Fun

it was fun being part of
the local punk scene
when I sniffed glue with others
playing bass
copying Ramones
idolizing Vicious

it was fun being part of
the folk scene
where punk background
provided interesting solutions
to whatever was the tradition

it was fun being part of the
small press scene
where cliché words and beats
were hot, and the words I copied
from folk songs
made money
but not for me, clearly
it was fun being a poet, songwriter,
musician, in front of categorizing
eyes, it was fun pretending
well-read, when all I ever used
as sources were either “Finnegan’s Wake”
or “Junky”

it was fun being hooked on Swans
and other mock gods
while all they ever did was
phlegming along the shit trail
thinking inner demons matter
I thought that too – but then I encountered
real ones

and now, after some short time on the side road
of being post-this, post-that, this –ism, that –ism
understanding more but encompassing less
I rarely care or argue anymore
I find myself in the same spot
poor and uneducated
listening to Stooges’ first
meditating on apple seeds
thinking how it was all
no fucking fun

Victoria Park, Berlin 2008

I value peace… spitting out pieces of teeth
scraps of broken vinyl
I deal with the beast
on a kitchen chair
tuning my banjo, smiling to the photograph
of an American Poetess
I make coffee – it smells of gasoline, the city
crawls up my veins, the spider-pump
flashes cold electric light
laying shades on faces behind the window
a gigantic eye collects
the evidence of madness – searching through files
isolated wards
heaps of yellowed scrapbooks
I value peace… counting blood drops
on my room divider

You Are Today

I raise my eyes
The street is empty
Free of
Complicated people
No one talks loud
Nothing troubles the wind
Beyond time
Doesn’t mean timeless
But maybe
We still have a chance
I open my hands
Let go of the summer
Watch trees
Voiceless heroes
Leaves are traces of spirits
Left out to dream behind
The laser-beam spectacle of corpses
There, beyond the silver
Incrusted clouds
Of awareness
Easy music
Drifts around the antenna
There’s nothing
I wish I could change
But sunlight wakes me up
I have to fix my face
Leave this room
Close my eyes
And glide
With the sidewalk
To the only open house
In this district
There I’ll drink coffee
With you
Whoever you are today

Warmer, Obituary

on the
comfort beads
of sunlight
blues for the kiddo
tears for the old man
enjoying sleep
will you question everything
'till words become
there you go!
another wasteland
life wiped out
that was there
existed before
your entry
what tears to cry
old dog
mantra of the slum city
what cities to inhabit
star face
of the quasar column
writing obituaries
for space
on freshly born weeds
of a planet

That the, the it me

me at fifteen
me at hundred again
heaps of has
gone mad, steady
city voice wiped free
new flat
new car
television face
her holy
bagful of no
non-feathered cowards
left out
both persons mistaken
for drifting
me at birth
me at death
just words
breathing fleshless
feet up
coating years
in difference rippled
I died in Berlin
September 2008.

Sky, Oh Sky…

sky, oh sky
old swaying sky
on bamboo flags
fixed vermilion green
am I struck
in black wintertime
am I you
silent from craggy jars
making flashes
that star-hang hummingbirds
them and the river
law will shadow the stream
petals, lost
moods & pines
in curry wash of rain
flute love shade burning
vibrating long away, burning...
your body beneath the path
bowing to the grasses
ugliness & laughter
love the glimmer you walk
another one won’t come

Cherry Tree or Rainbows

cherry tree, oh cherry blossom
scene pine iris red
when winter rainbows
blow you
flapping scattered
harlequin vines wind
& toss
scarlet resting desires
dreams falling cloud long
patient huddle listening
to dead songs
love lit night masks
dusty paper & waves
in city silhouette

Picnic Bubbles

forgetting autumn
grow your thoughts
beyond autumn
frowns on the willow
wine twittering in skirts – the scarlet pilgrims
love parasol? fierce roofs
harmonies on a leaf
drum-tones written & played by
whoever first said
waves are wind
fugitive rose, what it’s like in autumn
I forget: mists,
buds tinkling broken
they’ll spend a deathless spring
in troubled ages that read
“violet weariness of love”
but lovers continue earth picnic
smoking bodies leave fear
a breeze only blows through
great marsh trees
broad fields
brown-blue may moods
silent canes haunt
their long masks
hanging on the rocks

Seed: “Japanese Prints” by John Gould Fletcher
Ambience: “In die Nacht” by Asmus Tietchens

O Panama!

O weather forecasts
on sharks' wit
sweet nature reserves
parades of sequins
O Panama
about marvelous refuge
I sing
O Panama
the great equalizer

transmit my thoughts
to far visage
O display windows
time will brew
journeys, tripmen
O Panama!
your churches of plastic
from night to morning

O landscapes, spaces
lights & turnpikes
O fuels, adhesives
profitable puzzles!

Naked Bar-Do

Sitting in the sand, wrapped in
wind unwinding
brain branches pine brainy
beach crazy

who would like a wife
in addition to singing moles
who wouldn't want to hide from the world
in coastal trees
& acid laced 7up

sitting in auroras entangled
before the morning light
sitting clothed in airiness
over the fresh bonfires glow

where are the Slavic girls
fun Sunday nudists
whom even anarchists
chase away from the beach

hear the sirens already,
article of clothing commando
-disappears- the corpse from the beach
there, in the naked Bar-Do.


Rainbow reflected in Jantar
polarized drops -
their faces luxuriate
a love soaks in the sun
love, what is the word -
you have to be replaced
love, what was the hero -
you have to knock him

amber in white sand
memory of childhood
Jantar in plastic bag
taken from sea to city

people, what cupping
you have to let the air
people in the flesh
you have to stop there

before ghosts amount
pebbles into the sea
pulverize yesterday's boulders
to plant them like

fences & skies
beaches & dyes
Iodine & ion & terror
of chain landlordian

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