10 Years of "Stoned Gypsy Wanderer"

A re-release of my classic 2014 album is coming to THE SWAMP RECORDS soon (digital only). Why another re-release? The album was re-released ...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

"Terrapark London" | New Poem, 4.09.2024.

I feel utopia in my pupils
stretching the word
up my neck
sweat from yesterday's parties
down my throat
this whole thing is floating
on immense skies
anchors of the cloud
alcohol from the Queen

drink up the cup
cup up the
tie the lace of your chin
on TV channels
rendered obsolete

endless carlights, smashing like synthesized birds
the forest
of forget
gladly into the bottom line
of every British

I am boat
uprising the Brixton sunset
dividing the oar

she is life
terrapark London