SMALL TALK AT BUKOWSKA AND LIBELTA: A poet in Poznan. - Poetry Chapbook, 2012.

“Krabo” They say moon is the same for everyone Streets are hostile or friendly Nothing depends on your luck You exist cause you’re taught to...

Friday, May 9, 2008

2nd hand mentality

there is the pin
glory center
of my 2nd hand mentality
there is the reason
why I run through the cheapest shelves...
obscure book collecting
fueled by fire Nijinsky idiot
bringing home
all the ugliest wordscalps
choosing the worst possible
you can think of...
stopping Kali-sheltered eyes on cheap
& still sacred poets
of the underrated mire:
all Frenchmen, all keen on the devil
one brainscrewed
German screenwriter...

there: see all those S&M
visits... drop from these pages
like honeymoon dancers

there is the pin
on reading
the Fountain of Hyacinth
hallways alit in candles
& brewery sparkled
in clear Cracow
spray verse

there is this 2nd hand feeling again:
her dress didn't come
from a store
you might've
heard of...
the girl herself
don't come from starshine areas
other than
cheap brocade
star-alike dots
in the 2nd hand's entrance

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